Friday, 18 March 2011


These capri pants were made about one year ago. Pattern 106 from the 04/2010 issue of BurdaStyle.

Baggy capri pants with an elastic leg band. I love these pants they are great in the summer, its comfy and cool.

Not everyone is a fan of these, but I don't care. They are my style, so I tell those people to buggar off!

Spring flowers

I am on a mad rush to get all my projects done for April. I must present my garments to a group of professors at the school I want to attend for fashion design.

I chose the 122 A skirt from 9/2010 issue of BurdaStyle.

View A is a double skirt, meaning it has lining/a tight skirt underneath, which is perfect for me, because the last thing I want is my bits to show when the wind blows

I used satin ribbon as my waistband. I folded it in half and pressed then attached interfacing to one half of the ribbon. Then attached to the waistband.

It has taken me about 10 years to learn take your time, don't rush through things and you will have a beautiful garment. Usually I try and zoom through the sewing process with messy and ill-fitting garments, but I have been hand basting all my darts, tricky seams, pleats and zippers, and I have noticed the difference. Nice clean techniques, hopefully the panel deciding my future will take notice.

Sunday, 6 March 2011


I love this dress. V -back dress from BurdaStyle from 2/2010. I had a wedding to attend, so why not make a dress for the occasion.

I traced the biggest size, but didn't add seam allowance. This resulted in me taking it in a lot.

The bust darts looked odd so I connected the darts, making a continues dart (pleat?).

Sexy, no?

My lover and me


Ready to dance!
my best friend!

I love this dress, will become a staple.

Refashioned skirt

I bought the skirt for $3. It was floor length, all I did was chop and hem.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Simplicity 2588

An old-y but a good-y, from a few years ago. I made it for my job at an office, and it was a hit. I had girls offering to pay me to make them one. It's quite a compliment.

Very easy dress. I think I want to make another one, in a bright colour. I am about 5'10 so the slit is a little high for me, Next time I will lengthen the skirt.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Another Green

Pulled from my achieves, I made this dress about a year ago.

I had some old fabric laying around, and decided to make a dress.

Pattern: Simplicity 2951

This bodice is lined and I added a metal zip, to keep on trend.

I wore it for my birthday party. I tried to find a photo of my all styled up, but I don't remember who was taking photos that night........


I think I will wear this more in the summer, its cute.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


I finished my ruffle front dress! I started it in October, but hey.... I'm done now.

Patten: BurdaStyle Magazine 04-2010 Dress 104

Here is my version

I chose not to make the bottom a bubble, for I already made one. I also did not add the lace piece.....why would I purposely add a scrape to my dress.................. Burda.......... I am looking at you......

And I did not attach the collar. I don't think short collars look decent on me, so's not there.

My ensemble for the day